Biological pollutants cause specific health issues that harm the population in affected areas. Companies can cause some factors that allow these contaminants in the water supply. Companies do this so they can receive more money then if they didn’t and when this happens, it causes the society to get illnesses. Chemical is a major factor with health on a society level. Factories dump their chemical waste in close waterways so they do not have to spend as much money. These factories are so greedy that they are willing to damage the society to make more money. Physical contaminants are the greatest cause from the society. People on a community level cause the most physical waste. Physical waste is done mostly of pure laze, or because people cannot dispose of something properly. Thermal is again at a factory level. Thermal is mostly from nuclear waste which is mainly caused from factories and large corporations. Companies, corporations, and factories are so selfish and greedy that they put peoples health on the line just so they can make more money.
Ganges River is an important part of the Hindu religion and culture. It very sacred and is believed to have been in heaven before being forced onto earth. It is also believed once you have bathed in it all sins are washed away. In addition, ashes of the dead or spread into the water. Unfortunately it has now become polluted and can carry waterborne dieses such as dysentery, hepatitis, and cholera. All of which can be fatal. It also has several heavy metals, one of which is chromium. Chromium can be absorb thought the skin, ingestion or even breathed in. It can cause something as miner as skin rashes and upset stomachs to ulcer, weaken immune systems, kidney and liver damage, respiratory problems, alternation of genetic material, lung cancer and eventually death. . There are toxins like arsenic and plutonium floating around as well has excrements, both human and animal pollute this sacred waterway. Arsenic is a poison that can kill very quickly once absorbed into the human system, plutonium emits a low amount of radiation but once it taken into the body as small particles it can cause lung cancer, the excrements are produces the body has rejected and can cause different health effects depending on how much as been in contact with. The Ganges River supports nearly 500 million people from any where from drinking water, agriculture, and river rafting. Something as to be done to stop further pollution and then efforts should be put to reducing the terrible pollution of this might river. To the people of India, the river from the heavens is now, no more than a sewer.
Pollution effects the environments greatly. The various bacteria and microorganisms can cause disease and harm the environment. For example, invasive organisms in water habitats can destroy the food chain. Ballast water contains numerous organisms that harm the environment like what is happening at the Great lakes. Zebra mussels are just one of the many organisms that torment the Great lakes. There are also some species of fish, crustaceans, and plants. They can include White Perch fish, Rusty Crayfish that is a crustacean, and the Flowering Rush plant. Invasive species are a major biological pollutant even if they are organisms.
A main environmental factor caused by chemical pollution is eutrophication. This occurs when chemical such as fertilizers and pesticides flow into the water. This can cause algae blooms that cause many organisms to die on the effected areas. Algae blooms occur when vast amounts of algae die and suck up great amounts of oxygen in the area. All of the organisms in the region die; this can include many fish species, aquatic plant life, and microorganisms.
Physical pollution is basically any garbage that is in the water. For example the marine bird, the osprey, the young are only eating garbage. The parents can only find trash as food, but the sad part is that they think it is actually food. The osprey babies die rapidly because of the lack of food. When the ospreys die, their stomachs are actually full, but full of garbage. The major source of this death is in the Pacific Ocean in an area of the ocean where there is not a great amount of sea travel. Also, other animals such as seals or penguins get caught in garbage and ingest it also which could cause death.
Thermal pollution is mostly heat related. This type of pollution causes the fish to go through a type of shock that causes death. For example, when nuclear waste is dumped into the water, the temperature is changed greatly and the fish die from the dramatic change. This can also affect any other marine organisms that are in the vicinity of the thermal pollution.
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